So I saw this headline today entitled. "Food Sellers Grit Teeth, Raise Prices" from this article at the Wall Steet Journal. Here is the link if you want to check it our for yourself.
Anyway, this is one reason why we started this farm. It hit me like a brick a few years ago that there was not much in this world that I could change. I was starting to become bitter and worried and I just had a pit in my stomach because I felt like something big was going to hit happen to the American way of life and hit us pretty hard. So after some soul searching I started to think of things that humans need to survive everyday life whether or not they had things like a job, a sane government, a since of peace and calm.. Things that are becoming uncommon in this day and age. Items that came to mind were, food, clothes, shelter, security, family, faith, community, morals,character, purpose, and the laws of nature. Eureka!!! I found the keys to my happiness. Now only if I can find a way to loosely control some of these things I think I will be okay for the hard times to come if I focus on these things. This is where farming came into my life. While living in the suburbs. I visited the library constantly reading every book I could find on all types of ways people farmed and lived simply. From the library I branched out to the world wide web to peek into the lives of people who were living the dream. I found information and about the good and the bad of this type of lifestyle over the years. I have laughed and cried with the people while reading about their journeys. Many of them who have come from similar beginnings. Dependent on the unsustainable system that we all have created. Please don't get offended because I would be the first person in line at a Walmart to get a good deal on something that I need or at a Macy's 6 hour sale! LOL With that said, I do also realize that the big box stores are not the only way to supply yourself and your family with needed items. But I digress, after many many months of study, thoughts, mistakes and prayer, here we are living the farm life! I am not concerned about rising food prices for my family because we are growing and raising a lot of our own this year, but I am concerned about the families of others who have not looked into other alternatives for food buying sources.
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