28 March, 2011

After Midnite

Our first new arrival came to the Farm just Saturday morning... and we shall call him "1201" as his momma is known as "12". "12" is a St. Croix ewe and the ram is a Katahdin so we are calling this little lamb a St. Katadin. It is such a treat to see nature work its magic, the ewe had him mostly cleaned off when we entered the barn for the usual morning chores and found the little guy standing there with his momma and the Herd standing aside watching.
They are enjoying a private "suite" for the next few days to ensure the health and safety of the lamb. We did a quick milk of the ewe and tried feed the lamb with a bottle so we knew he was getting his colostrum, but he did not take to the bottle, which turned out to be okay as it seemed to motivate him to go and nurse from his mom. And that was preferred anyway, we just wanted to be sure it was happening.
"12" is turning out to be a decent mother and "1201" has a good appetite and plenty of vigor. And the cutest black accents...
He is just the first of many to young to come, we pray they will all be healthy and uneventful births like this one.

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