11 March, 2011

Duck, Duck, Goose?

This morning Farmer Erny discovered a new addition to the egg assortment here at the farm.
So this is more like chicken, chicken, Goose... mother Goose is finally in season, we have been waiting to see how big the eggs would be and they are quite large. The far left is from a bantam Silkie hen the middle ones from Rhode Island Red and then from the Tolouse goose. So the shells are pretty, but let's see how the inside looks...
So the cracked eggs are in the same order, the bantam and standard size egg end up netting almost the same volume, but look at the goose egg! Interestingly the "white" of the goose egg is very clear. Now all three have awesome yolks that stand up like yellow ping pong balls, which you don't see in store bought eggs. (Note to self: include a store egg for comparison next time) Here is a closer look at the goose egg:
Now let's see what it looks like cooked...
What a yummy change of pace for breakfast
(btw, the camera time stamp is wrong - the date seems to reset itself :)

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